Best Advice for New Mums
Posted by EMMA POPE

There is a lot of advice out there for new mums but you may be wondering am I doing things right? Am I a good mum? Can I do this without screaming or messing up my child?
The first and most important thing to know is that you are doing a great job! So try to relax and be gentle on yourself.
Pinky McKay, breastfeeding expert and best-selling author, has shared the following advice from mums who have been there on her Facebook page.
“It’s ok to cry, its ok to be scared. It’s ok to ask for help.”
“You know your baby best. Trust your instincts”
“Bub is only little for so long. Spend every second enjoying them, not worrying about what you’re doing and what they’re not doing.”
“Your best is good enough!”
“Enjoy it… All of it… It goes by in the blink of an eye.”
“The days are long but the years are short. Stop stressing the small stuff.”
“Remember the mantra ‘this too shall pass’.”
“Look after yourself as much as you look after your baby. Happy mummy = happy baby.”
Each day is a fresh chance to be the mum (the best and only mum) that your baby needs, to share cuddles, learn together, have fun and make memories.
We would like to wish all the mums and grandmas (and mother figures) around Australia a fabulous Mother's Day weekend!
Here is a little gift from us that you can have your little one complete to record their favourite memories from the moments you have shared in 2018. Recording your favourite times and memories on paper means that you can both re-create and re-live those moments again in the future 💕
Josie Brown On
great gift for a Mothers day card!!!!